On the first day of summer, the bike took me south of town, out on Oakville and back on Riverside, where on the newly widened section I was delighted to discover solar-powered radar speed displays.
If you’re waiting for something to happen in this short video, you are waiting in vain. Nothing happens. Which is the way we cyclists like it.
The Linn County Road Department  this morning opened bids for widening about 2.4 miles of Riverside Drive from Oakville Road to Meadow Road, a long-planned project that will make the road safer for both motorists and bicyclists.
Widening the rest of Riverside has to wait
So when is Riverside Drive south of Albany going to be widened the rest of the way? Eventually, probably, but not right away. That’s the word from Linn County. A few days ago, Jeff Senders left this comment on hh-today: “What’s new on the road widening project along south Riverside Drive? Connecting from the Grange […]
Tags: 4-foot-bike lanes, bicycling, Linn County cycling, Oregon cycling, Riverside Drive, widening Rivnerside