[Updated February, 2025]
HH-Today.com serves over 25,000 readers per month! Most of our readers are long time, loyal followers of Hasso Hering and many readers interact with his articles via the comments area here.
Premium advertising space at the top of the web pages throughout the website are available for:
$230 for 4 weeks | $120 for 2 weeks | $70 for 1 week
Your leader board style banner ad (1170 X 110) will be placed “above the fold” at the top of all web pages and provide a direct link to your website. The ad and link will require our review and approval before posting. Please email webmaster@hh-today.com, call 541-223-7444, or use the request form below to place your ad.
*Offer limited to ad space (1170 X 110) only and does not include banner ad creation. If you do not have an ad, please let us know so we can discuss ad creation options available. Samples below:
Attention Small Businesses:
Advertise with your business card on HH-Today.com for $19/month! This is an extremely affordable way to reach the thousands of readers of HH-Today.com. To get started or for more information, please use the form below or email webmaster@hh-today.com. All advertisements are subject to editorial approval. The Editor reserves the right to reject or cancel an ad at any time.