The sky above Albany brightened on Monday, and I took advantage of the good weather for an afternoon bike ride down the riverfront to Bowman Park.
Tags: Albany riverfront, bicycling, Bowman Park, union picketing
The sky above Albany brightened on Monday, and I took advantage of the good weather for an afternoon bike ride down the riverfront to Bowman Park.
It was raining but still light Saturday afternoon when I went on a short bike ride to take advantage of daylight saving time for the last time in 2024.
When construction on the Albany Waterfront Project started in the spring of 2023, a chart produced at an open house anticipated that the project would be completed by November 2024. Now the work will extend far into 2025.
If you look up from the boardwalk on the Dave Clark Riverfront Path, you get a dramatic view of the underside of the Ellsworth Street Bridge across the Willamette River. And if you look down, you see that the boardwalk needs repairs.
When you have a few minutes, go visit the newly reconstructed east viewing pier on the Albany riverfront. It’s a beautiful piece of workmanship and a great vantage point for looking around.
As pieces of Albany’s Waterfront Project are slowly coming together, it’s tempting to get a closer look even though they aren’t officially finished or complete.
Not really news: A widening gap in Clark Path
Riding my bike along the Albany riverfront, I’m on the Dave Clark Path several times a week. And lately I’ve noticed that west of the Wheelhouse Building a new gap in the path has opened up.
Tags: Albany parks, Albany riverfront, Albany waterfront, bicycling, Dave Clark Path, path repairs, Riverfont path, Wheelhouse building