Getting this shot Saturday meant holding my phone out above the river. Glad I did not drop it.
It didn’t take long for some moron to damage the new Willamette River overlook on the Albany riverfront.
This viewing pier, the eastern of two that were rebuilt as part of the Albany Waterfront Project, has been open to the public for just a few days.
Judging from what I’ve seen when I go by there on the bike, people have been using the place, seemingly enjoying this vantage point on the river.
But not one of them, evidently.
This criminal, whoever he is, kicked a section of the new grating and broke it loose.
There’s no way this could have been an accident. It was a willful act intended to damage or destroy.
The grating is meant to keep people, mainly children, from falling down to the river below. What should be done with a person who kicks it out?
Throwing the vandal over the railing would be wrong and against the law. But the thrower might use the excuse that the punishment fit the offense. (hh)

Only a strong kick could have done this damage.
Suspend the vandal upside down from the railing to the low tide water level for a few hours would be useful.
I would think that grating that is part of a 21.5 million price tag would be incapable of being punched loose by a mere human being. Doesn’t make sense to me. Someone probably used a sledge hammer or a battering ram of some sort.
Mary, do you even stop to think in the slightest before you jump on your keyboard? Your comment as a whole is ridiculous. We get that you don’t like the riverfront project (or any changes in Albany you don’t agree with for that matter) but do you honestly believe the first sentence you wrote? It must be hard to be so miserable.
That was my first thought also.
Discretion and a .45 is always a solid choice.
Looks like a bike tire pushed it in
Unfortunately this is humanly possible to cause this destruction… add some drugs, and anger… I guess the city/contractors have some structural issues to work out!
Just crank up the city’s money printer (water bills) and impose another tax (CARA Maintenance Fee).
No taxpayer approval required.
Problem solved.
glad your ready to vote yes on more taxes so the city can fix the streets
I would agree with coffee, a person shouldn’t be able to push it out like that.
I have questions about quality and gauge of the wire as well as installation??
Were any of the tips welded?
If not, Why not?
If a person can do that, clearly we need a heavier gauge mesh or additional vertical supports.
Having not seen this in person, I think I have more questions????
I guess security cameras are needed. Sad.
As a Past Oregonian, I think you should consider the sad life this person has had and lobby your state legislature to pass another useless law to fix the problem. Possibly increase the property taxes to set up a fund to fix what these helpless souls destroy, then misappropriate the money to overpay for a city lot then sell it for a massive loss.
Sounds like they needed to spot weld at every wire that intersects with the frame, that would have made it darn near impossible to kick out, but I’m certain they would have tried, and in doing so, ho@pefully sent their dumb asses to the E.R.
I agree with Claire – we probably need security cameras.
I agree probably should have been made from Steel thicker gauge and welded strong. Why not put some cameras!
Maybe someone crashed their bike coming in hot. Unfortunately with that type of mess it really doesn’t take a terrible amount of force to push it out like that. Even the weld contact points where the wire overlaps is so small it doesn’t take much to break the weld. I sure it was an accident and nobody is that careless with safety. I know the later of my statement sounds like ignorance but one can hope.
Agreed. Could be an accident, in fact looks most likely. This may be deficient building methods for the application. I’m sure as this and other areas are put through the public stress test, other concerns will also surface and adjustments will be made under warranty.
All these comments about security cameras. Cameras are only good for recording an incident. If police and prosecutors don’t follow through and capture, prosecute and put some fear into these people, it’s just more waste for us taxpayers.
Welcome to the new Oregon. Let anyone in, make drugs legal and don’t lock anyone up. You voted. Now you pay.
I’m going to go fix it today if it’s not already fixed. Hopefully I can make it look nice.
How about vote for the right people in office so we can get people mental help and close boarders so we can stop some on the drug traffic in this country it just might help .
Why only one panel? If someone was angry at the community or had some other motivation, why not kick them all out? Maybe this person was not happy with the workmanship. This may have just been an accident is someway. Doesn’t really look like the project is finished yet, it’s not welded to secure as mentioned.
On the other hand we now have the Grants Pass decision, no more hearing from the executive, there’s nothing we can do about it or just ignoring the damage being caused to community owned assets.
Vandalism occurs all over the country. Security cameras will only be vandalized or stolen adding to the maintenance costs. We no longer live in the 50’s folks. There are few nice people out there. Unfortunately a growing population of “ruin it for everyone” exists”. Remember when St. Mary’s Catholic Church burnt down? Build it to withstand these idiots. We can not change prosecution for “property crimes” when the prosecutors deem the process as not cost effective.
Thirty days of hard core construction, liability free , body aching work should help. You ruin something, then you should put yourself in the shoes of the creators. Without even a blink of an eye you most likely will or have already committed another felony. Well good for you. The hard cement where your a$$ will sit, in yail with no accomplishment for the day or for society should cramp your style. No one but you can change where you lay your head down at night. You could be at home, eating your preferred food, while playing a game on the internet or sleep on your body formed bed. We hope you will create a future of your choice to develop your interest. Try, that’s all we can really ask of you. The rest is up to you!