As everybody knows, Friday was Flag Day. And as luck would have it, during the week of Flag Day the Albany City Council avoided a flap over flags.
The Talking Water Gardens between Albany and Millersburg look a little odd this spring. There’s less water in the ponds.
Two months ago a big red oak in Albany’s Takena Park was surrounded by caution tape and in danger of being cut down because of root rot. Now the tape is gone and the tree has been spared, at least for a while.
There’s a short foot and bike path from 36th Avenue to Ermine Street, but this 50-foot shortcut has been unusable since the Albany City Council ordered it to be blocked in 2009.
There was no debate and no disagreement on the Albany City Council Wednesday as members unanimously voted for new traffic cameras likely to yield a massive increase in revenue from fines.
In what would be a first for Albany, the city police chief wants speed enforcement cameras to be installed at four intersections.
How about a fuel tax and bond issue too?
While the Albany City Council considers a new street maintenance fee, a council majority also wants to explore a local fuel tax and a bond issue to fund street repairs.
Tags: Albany council, bond issue, fuel tax, street repairs