In place for at least a decade, this barricade in North Albany looked like it was falling apart on Jan. 3, 2025.
This dilapidated barricade and its vague promise of a street extension have been in place for more than a decade. Now the barricade is falling apart, and the future possibility mentioned in the sign has not yet arrived.
The barricade is at the dead end of Adam Street, which goes from Hickory Street to the Bonaventure retirement home in North Albany.
I first saw the sign in 2014, and every few years I see it again on one of my meandering bike rides around Albany. The most recent occasion was on Jan. 3.
Years ago someone with the city told me signs suggesting a future street extension are placed in spots like this so that residents or property owners are not surprised if and when a new development does in fact extend the street.
At this particular site, development on the other side of the sign is unlikely “in the near future” because, first, no land use change has been proposed and, second, because of the difference in elevation.
I looked up elevation lines for a story in 2023. Blossom Lane, on the other side of the sign, lies seven feet below the elevation of Adam Street. Completing that road extension would require a whole lot of fill.
Will it ever happen? Maybe, as the sign says. And maybe not. (hh)

Adam Street is not likely to be extended “in the fear future” because Blossom Lane, on the other side of the barricade, is seven feet lower.
More trees, space, less congestion in the area. Great!
I’m sure if enough complaints are made, they would remove the word “near” from the sign. It’s definitely a major concern!