So how do you like Oregon’s Bottle Bill now? Now, that the law covers so many more beverages in addition to water, soft drinks and beer?
Now that Albany is on the list, 66 Oregon cities have taken the local option and banned licensed commerce in recreational marijuana. Sixteen counties have done the same. So the next time somebody goes to the trouble of initiating a major law change, he’ll want to do it by amending the state constitution instead of […]
Would liquor cost more or less in Oregon if the state gave up its monopoly on selling the stuff? Experience in Washington state says that with privatization, the price goes up. But there seems to be some confusion on that point, stirred up by a story in the Salem newspaper a few days ago.
Hard liquor on sale at Walmart? That’s what the ad insert in the paper on Sunday said. But it isn’t so, I’m pretty sure, at Walmart stores in Oregon. For decades, Oregon has guarded its monopoly on selling spirits through state-licensed agents and stores. Some time ago, the Oregon Liquor Control Commission started a pilot […]
Changing laws means more fences
On one of my occasional bike rides outside of Jacksonville in Southern Oregon, I was struck by the proliferation of fences around what you’d think would be agricultural sites.
Tags: cannabis, fenced farms, hemp, marijuana, OLCC