A perspective from Oregon’s mid-Willamette Valley

Repeated chore: Rubbish on the river

Written January 20th, 2017 by Hasso Hering

While the eyes of the world were on the change in U.S. administrations, the Albany parks department was dealing with a more mundane but all too real issue: People camping under a segment of the Dave Clark Path keep fouling the Willamette riverbank below with their leavings, and from time to time the parks people have to clean […]

On DC Path: Look up and see light

Written May 6th, 2016 by Hasso Hering

No, this is not a re-enactment of a scene from War of the Worlds, the one where Tom Cruise and his kid hide in a ruined building and the alien war machine’s tentacle reaches in but somehow misses them. It is, instead, one of the new lighting fixtures on Albany’s Dave Clark Path.

No mystery here: DC Path update

Written May 4th, 2016 by Hasso Hering

Those mysterious chunks of concrete lying along the Dave Clark Path on Albany’s riverfront are no mystery at all when you remember that a contractor is working to install lighting all along the trail.

Riverfront path: there’ll be light

Written December 17th, 2015 by Hasso Hering

If everything goes according to plan, Albany’s Dave Clark Path will have new lighting starting next spring — at the cost of about $352,800 — and people using the place after dark will be able to see where they’re going. And if the police are called, officers will have a better view of what’s going […]

Riverfront beat: No place for naps

Written October 10th, 2015 by Hasso Hering

Sooner or later, I thought while riding my riverfront beat on Saturday, efforts to revive Albany’s riverfront will have to deal with the question of how to attract more customers, residents, visitors and even home buyers to a place where the homeless often hang out.

Lighting the Dave Clark Path: A tryout

Written April 16th, 2015 by Hasso Hering

Albany’s Dave Clark Path will be much brighter at night — and presumably safer — once the city goes ahead with its plan to install new lights along the riverside trail and in Monteith Riverpark. How much brighter? Well, take a look at the video taken during a demonstration Thursday night of just how the fixtures would work.

Albany’s welcoming roundabout

Written October 15th, 2014 by Hasso Hering

Looks like Albany’s newest roundabout will welcome drivers to the city’s historic districts, at a cost so far estimated at between $70,000 and $90,000 including landscaping.

HH Today: A perspective from Oregon’s mid-Willamette Valley
Albany Albany City Council Albany council Albany downtown Albany housing Albany parks Albany Planning Commission Albany police Albany Post Office Albany Public Works Albany riverfront Albany Station Albany streets Albany traffic Albany urban renewal Amtrak apartments Benton County bicycling bike lanes Bowman Park Bryant Park CARA climate change COVID-19 Cox Creek Cox Creek path Crocker Lane cumberland church cycling Dave Clark Path DEQ downtown Albany Edgewater Village Ellsworth Street bridge Highway 20 homeless housing Interstate 5 land use Linn County Millersburg Monteith Riverpark North Albany North Albany Road ODOT Oregon legislature Pacific Boulevard Pacific Power Portland & Western Queen Avenue Queen Avenue crossing Railroads Republic Services Riverside Drive Santiam Canal Scott Lepman Talking Water Gardens Tom Cordier Union Pacific urban renewal Water Avenue Waterfront Project Waverly Lake Willamette River

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