The Albany Public Library has expanded the times when it is open, but unfortunately this is not the case at the downtown branch.
It’s nearly two years since I wondered here about this box-like structure off the Dave Clark Path on Albany’s riverfront. I still don’t know why it is there or what its purpose used to be. But now I’m prepared to venture a hypothesis. And I hope somebody can tell me what it really was. (Somebody […]
What a treat it was Wednesday to be able to walk around inside the Carnegie Library in downtown Albany, without an appointment or time limit, browsing the shelves, looking for something to read.
Albany residents might as well get ready to expect cutbacks in city programs and services over the next few years.
Downtown library: When the doors are closed
Normally, Thursday afternoon is one of the times that the Carnegie Library in downtown Albany is open. But not during the vacation week between Christmas and New Year’s.
Tags: Albany Public Library, Carnegie Library, downtown, library closed