It was a coincidence that didn’t mean anything. But the fact is that both the Second Amendment and the subject of potential election-related violence came up at the tail end of the Albany City Council’s meeting Monday night.
The Albany City Council voted Wednesday to “look into” some kind of local legislation to protect lawful gun owners from further state-imposed restrictions that infringe on their Second Amendment right to bear arms.
Gov. Kate Brown has signed SB 941, which infringes on a part of the Bill of Rights in the name of public safety. It doesn’t infringe much more than existing law on criminal background checks for firearms transfers already does. But still, how long before we cut back on rights that are much more dangerous […]
Not that it’s a big surprise, but the three Linn County commissioners have gone on record supporting the right of law-abiding people to keep and bear arms as the Second Amendment guarantees. Commissioners Roger Nyquist, John Lindsey and Will Tucker signed a resolution to that effect on Tuesday.
SB 554 puts gun issue before council
A year ago the Albany City Council considered a gun issue and then dropped it. Now guns may come up again, in an entirely different context, if the Oregon House goes along and passes Senate Bill 554.
Tags: Albany council, gun rights, SB 554, Second Amendment