Gov. Kate Brown has signed SB 941, which infringes on a part of the Bill of Rights in the name of public safety. It doesn’t infringe much more than existing law on criminal background checks for firearms transfers already does. But still, how long before we cut back on rights that are much more dangerous […]
Tags: Bill of Rights, First Amendment, SB 941, Second Amendment, Sixth Amendment
Linn: No money for SB 941 gun bill
Starting Aug. 12, according to my count, Oregon law will require that private sellers of firearms obtain a criminal background check on the buyers before making the sale. But what if they don’t, and who would know? Well then, not much would happen at least as far as the county government in Linn County is concerned.
Tags: firearms sales, gun purchases, John Lindsey, Linn County commissioners, Oregon legislature, SB 941