Albany Councilman Rich Kellum wishes the media more often reported details about the corona crisis in addition to the daily toll of added cases and deaths. And there is more to report, all of it readily available in the data the Oregon Health Authority publishes online.
In the May 15 primary, Albany voters will be asked to approve a city gas tax of 5 cents per gallon. But two councilmen say the idea of a local tax on motor fuel is either wrong or premature.
Now that it’s raining again is a good time to think about — what else? — wetlands, and how Oregon’s approach to their preservation is interfering with our efforts to save farmland and forests.
Why the public has not panicked over corona
Albany Councilman Rich Kellum wishes the media more often reported details about the corona crisis in addition to the daily toll of added cases and deaths. And there is more to report, all of it readily available in the data the Oregon Health Authority publishes online.
Tags: Albany council, corona statistics Oregon, coronavirus in, COVID-19, Kellum