A sunset as seen during a North Albany bike ride in March 2024. Our climate was fine that day.
Oregon has a “Climate Action Commission.” Even though we don’t need this group, the legislature created it in 2007 as the Global Warming Commission and renamed it in 2023.
Now this advisory commission of 35 members is asking for public comment on its work plan for 2025. My comment would be to scrap the work plan and disband.
If you want details of the proposed work plan, you can find it here. But even if you’re genuinely worried about global warming, the plan doesn’t matter.
The real work on this issue is done by other state agencies, mainly the Department of Environmental Quality, but others as well. Before she left office, former Gov. Kate Brown issued an executive order requiring agencies to force energy companies and industry to reduce their emissions of greenhouse gases by certain deadlines.
The Environmental Quality Commission, for instance, has adopted a rule forbidding the sale of new cars with internal combustion engines starting in 2035. You’d think that such a fundamental change requires an act of the elected legislature. But our governors and their appointees think they can do this on their own. This is one field where they don’t worry about saving democracy.
In any case, the climate commission plans to be busy devising ways of meeting the state’s greenhouse-gas-reduction goals even faster — by 2030 instead of 2035. They’ve commissioned various studies that purport to show this can be done by, among other things, enforcing the rules already adopted and making new ones.
In the work plan, the commission mentions putting together a $197 million grant proposal to the federal Environmental Protection Agency. As I understand it, the grant would help pay for Oregon’s “climate pollution reduction” program.
If carried out, the program prepared by state regulators would complicate life in Oregon in many ways, mostly by making energy and everything else more expensive and scarce.
That’s why, to begin with, the Trump Administration should tell Oregon to forget about getting any $197 million climate grant from the EPA. (hh)

Oregon wants to reduce or eliminate burning of natural gas for cooking or heat, or to generate electric power.
“climate pollution reduction” program? You mean. like the “Inflation reduction” program?
Sounds excellent. I hope they can get Kyle, Cartman and Butters on the board.
So, Oregon wants to ban the use of natural gas through government regulation?
Okie dokie. Then I suggest Albany should take the next step and ban natural gas through its building codes.
Like gasoline powered cars, the energy consumer in Oregon must not have the right to choose how they cook their meals or heat their house.
Only unelected bureaucrats should have this power.
Their fear is real. Everything is at stake. GLOBAL survival hangs in the balance. Climate is a common good only government can satisfy.
So shut up, be obedient, and do what you’re told (baa…).
Hasso, just like the Left should expect Trump to continue with his particular brand of lunacy, the Left can also expect that Trump’s laziness and his utter inability to follow through on anything other than tax cuts for his billionaire bros. means that Trump will likely not do a darn thing about the topic you seem so convinced will destroy democracy. You should worry less about what the Oregon Democrats are doing and think more about your future under Kash Patel-(the once and future J. Edgar Hoover), Tulsi Gabbard (the Putin True Believer) and Pete Hegseth, (the drunken marital cheater) … a Clown Car filled with idiots, led by a fool.
Thank you – well said! Trump will indeed take very good care of his billionaire friends!
Trump increased wages for low and middle income workers more than any Democrat in recent history and Biden destroyed them with his 25% + inflation with his foolish spending. There is a reason Trump won the popular vote in the immortal words of Democrat guru James Carville, “it’s the economy stupid”. You could also point out the border failures and other reasons which Hartman and you will never admit.
Good job Coach! Every day is going to be a new episode of the trump shit show.
Refer paragraph 5, “with internal combustion agencies” did you intend to say engines?
Maybe an agency the “combusts internally” would be a good thing.
Yes, thanks for pointing it out. I fixed the error.
You were so p.o’d is the reason you made that error, Hasso. Flames were flashing out of your Libertarian eyes. Hope you and Trump have a happy 4-year bro-mance.
They have run this into the ground. watch Aclimateconversation.com
for some good info.
You say your blog is about only Albany issues. What is this screed you just typed that is nothing more than your denial of climate change and your not-so-veiled disclosure that you are a Trumper? Good luck with any wildfire that may happen in the future in North Albany where you live.
Well Not-ready for you know who! If you’ve been around and read this precious bloggo, you would know Hasso is 110% a climate change denying MAGA(t).
I call a spade a spade. Buckle up, folks!
If all Oregonians disappeared overnight, the effect on the earth’s climate wouldn’t even amount to a rounding error. The people in charge should be embarrassed by their urge to making arbitrary rules and so should the voters who keep electing them.
While embarrassing, I don’t think their rules are arbitrary rules. On the contrary, well thought out and well calculated to help march us toward their socialist society and lording control over the underlings.
Thank you once again for some common sense, Hasso.
Burning natural gas looks clean but produces carbon dioxide, a pollutant that increases in the atmosphere due to greenhouse effect. We need replacements for this gas, probably electric heat produced by solar and stored using batteries.
inflation, the border, raped and killed 12 & 13 yr old girls, men in womans sports and tampons in boys bathrooms, dont forget the transexual stealing suit cases, afghanistan, and one bold face lie after another from binder. if trump and all his friends make money from putting a stop to all that misery and non sense, the more power to them. winning by mandate sure made fool idiots out of the jan. 6th committee. i find that quite funny. saddle-up liberals, you like change, its comin’ tuesday afternoon ….did ya’all hear? the garbage truck will be in the inauguration parade. im ready for the fun to begin.
OH DAVIE! May i go out on a limb and say you consume …dare I say … 20 hrs out of each day… Fox so called News Propaganda. Have fun in your MAGA(t) world and laugh at me every day. As you lose your personal freedom. You, Go Pulver!!!
i have fox, or fox live now on one of three 36″ screens around the clock. if im home or not. the raped and killed 12 yr old jocelyn nungaray by 2 illegals alien is fact, not propaganda. men in womans sports is fact, not propaganda. riley gaines has a lot to say about that. the stolen suit cases at 2 different airports by former senior dept. of energy transexual sam brinton is fact not propaganda. 13+ dead in afghanistan is fact, not propaganda. not counting those who lost there lives dropping from that plane. during the debate 4+ yrs ago, biden told us the lappy was not real. the lappy is real, its hunters, not propaganda. biden also told us he would never pardon hunter. biden also told us on live tv if we get the shot, we get our freedom back. who forgot about that? talk about propaganda. that cost a lotta people a lotta freedom. and jobs, after they got the shot. and we were told if we get the shot we wont get china virus. i clearly remember biden telling us on live tv if we get the shot, we will not get the virus! who forgot about that? inflation. we were told it was a short term thing. biden told us on live tv, 3 and 1/2 years ago, remember? that is fact, not propaganda. i was born here in america, i doubt i’ll be deported, lose my freedom. with cheap gas, ill have double the freedom. america mandating a 32x convicted felon/fascist/etc/etc/etc. over a california prosecutor sure says alot about kamala. the swamp will become a golf coarse real soon. and the lefts current leader seems to be joy reid. if anony1 did not watch fox around the clock, how would he/she know the info came from fox?
It is interesting that most of the hysterical anti-Trump and pro-“climate emergency” responses on this blog are from Anonymous sources and pseudonyms. Folks without conviction telling the rest of us how to think.
Please note that CO2 was rightfully labeled a “building block of life” when I went to public schools in Oregon. It has only been since the late 1980s or early 1990s that government bureaucrats and taxpayer-funded propaganda (“research”) turned CO2 into a “pollutant” — and most of the population fell inline and followed orders. Covid came from a monkey, Hunter’s laptop was Russian “misinformation,” and Trump is Hitler.
The gullible will fall for anything, apparently, and chastise those of us who continue to think for themselves. It’s in the Bible, too. Nothing new.
Carbon is the building block of life, not CO2.
Bob correctly said CO2 is “a building block of life” because it provides the carbon atom.
You twisted his words to say “the building block of life.” But carbon on its own cannot form the complex molecules necessary for life.
The other building blocks needed are hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen, as well as some trace elements.
I did not mean to “twist” anyone’s words. I’m sorry. After my first reading, I had looked up the “building block” portion because it rang a bell, a back-in-the-classroom memory.
Because I believe most global scientists and climate experts agree that too much CO2 is bad, this time I searched what my point should have been: “Why excess CO2 is harmful.” The information/answer as to why “excess” is harmful is readily available to anyone who wants to look into it.
Personally, I’d like a used hybrid someday, but not until there’s faster and more charging stations around. And, for safety reasons, lighter batteries in them. I’d also love to get solar. But the “deals” being peddled in Albany don’t seem great for the home owner. Anyone know a reputable rooftop solar company that isn’t going to cost $150/mo. for 15 years?
Thank you, HH. I’ve been appreciating your coverage a long time.
If you qualify, there are some low income subsidies available:
CO² is a NECESSITY for LIFE on this planet.
Our bodies NEED it to regulate our RESPIRATORY FUNCTIONS. It is in our very blood and NOT having ENOUGH causes health problems.
WTF is wrong with people? They forget even the most elementary aspects of science and believe every bit of nonsense they hear?!!? Wake the hell up! Think for yourselves!
Oregon and locals like the Albany city council have big plans for your future. Not enough electric power to go around…no problem they will mandate all citizens ride a stational bike at prescribed locations to generate power sort of a required hamster wheel for citizens. City lights will be turned off after the model set forth in glorious places like Detroit. Daily urine and manure collection quotas will be established like North Korea (again a very green outcome) and (a city council favorite) fines and fees will be assessed if you fail to meet quota. The downtown riverfront park and shrine will be involuntarily maintained daily by citizens with hand brooms and small hand clippers just like North Korea…a green alternative for sure!