A perspective from Oregon’s mid-Willamette Valley

It’s beginning to look like a school

Written November 13th, 2018 by Hasso Hering

If you want to follow the progress of the big construction projects in the Greater Albany Public Schools, a good place to look is the monthly report to the school board from HMK Company, the district’s project manager.

South renovation calls for fences

Written March 9th, 2018 by Hasso Hering

When they’re finished with renovations that include various 8-foot-tall fences, South Albany High School will no longer have the porous campus it has today. It will no longer be open to uncontrolled access all over the place.

GAPS plans new bus garage

Written February 19th, 2018 by Hasso Hering

Leaders of the Greater Albany Public Schools have been planning for a bigger depot to park and maintain the district’s buses. Now the project is up for the city’s and the public’s review.

Slow on Spring Hill: Here’s why

Written October 3rd, 2016 by Hasso Hering

How come, a reader wanted to know, “the school zone signs on Spring Hill for Fairmount went up again last week after being gone for two to three years.” The question about the change in North Albany came in over the weekend, and now the answer is at hand.

Don’t mind the signs, but …

Written June 17th, 2015 by Hasso Hering

The tennis courts at North Albany Middle School don’t seem to get much use, at least not when school is not in session, and you can see why. If the signs don’t keep people away, the condition of the nets probably does.

The school closure dilemma

Written December 12th, 2013 by Hasso Hering

School officials in the mid-valley came in for some grumbling when they canceled classes day after day following the snow storm on Dec. 6. But put yourself in their shoes.

HH Today: A perspective from Oregon’s mid-Willamette Valley
Albany Albany City Council Albany council Albany downtown Albany housing Albany parks Albany Planning Commission Albany police Albany Post Office Albany Public Works Albany riverfront Albany Station Albany streets Albany traffic Albany urban renewal apartments Benton County bicycling bike lanes Bowman Park Bryant Park CARA climate change COVID-19 Cox Creek Cox Creek path Crocker Lane cumberland church cycling Dave Clark Path DEQ downtown Albany Edgewater Village Ellsworth Street bridge Highway 20 homeless housing Interstate 5 land use Linn County Millersburg Monteith Riverpark North Albany North Albany Road ODOT Oregon legislature Pacific Boulevard Pacific Power Portland & Western Queen Avenue Queen Avenue crossing Railroads Republic Services Riverside Drive Santiam Canal Scott Lepman Talking Water Gardens Tom Cordier Union Pacific urban renewal vandalism Water Avenue Waterfront Project Waverly Lake Willamette River

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