The homeless camp on the Dave Clark Riverfront Path featured in Friday’s story had been cleared by Friday afternoon.
Tags: Albany homeless, Albany parks, Albany paths, Dave Clark Path, homeless camps, Perwinkle Bikepath
The homeless camp on the Dave Clark Riverfront Path featured in Friday’s story had been cleared by Friday afternoon.
There have been improvised homeless camps along the Willamette River in Albany for years, but not up on the Dave Clark Riverfront Path — until now.
This, a garbage dump on a public trail, is still the exception in Albany. What can be done to keep scenes like this from multiplying as they have in other cities in Oregon and up and down the West Coast?
It’s no big deal yet. No big deal, that is, until some pedestrian out for a stroll and lost in his music is run down by a bike. I’m talking, of course, about the dangers inherent in the use of ear buds while wandering along those so-called multi-use paths. “Multi-use” means only two things, really: On foot […]
Scenery getting cleaned along Albany paths
There has been considerable progress in the cleanup of vagrant camps along two of Albany’s multi-use paths. You cannot help but notice this if you go past these places every few days.
Tags: Albany parks, Albany paths, bike paths, campsites, Cox Creek Periwinkle Creek, homeless camps, vagrancy