Until I looked it up, I didn’t know that we have four native species of tree squirrels in Oregon, or that the one I spotted looking out of a tree a week ago Wednesday was probably not one of the four.
If you’re looking for a little solitude close to home, the E.E. Wilson Wildlife Area northwest of Albany is the place to go. And if you take your bike instead of driving, you don’t have to worry about the $10 parking permit the state wants you to buy before leaving your car at any of the areas […]
March 1 is still winter, supposedly, but it sure felt like spring in the Willamette Valley, and that called for the obligatory bike ride on the abandoned roads of the former Camp Adair. Well, almost abandoned roads.
Watch it when you step outside
According to the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife, the little creature I almost stepped on today, which would have been an accident, was a salamander. More specifically, I’m pretty sure it was a newt.
Tags: newts, ODFW, Oregon fauna, salamanders