My bike rides along the Albany riverfront often lead me to Bowman Park, which on Monday, the third of March, was not exactly teeming with activity.
Tags: Albany parks, bicycling, Bowman Park, Dave Clark, riverfront, video
My bike rides along the Albany riverfront often lead me to Bowman Park, which on Monday, the third of March, was not exactly teeming with activity.
Rounding the corner of Broadway Street and Seventh Avenue in Albany on the bike Saturday, I came across this “for rent” sign.
Returning from Browser’s Books via Pine Street toward Hackleman Park, the bike and I for years tried to avoid the worst potholes. Lately that has not been necessary, because a section of new pavement is in place.
Now and then I wonder if anything will ever be done with the long-closed Albany restaurant property at 3225 Santiam Hwy. S.E., less than a block from Interstate 5.
Back on the Albany riverfront, the news is about the same: High water in the parks, but no problems.
On Cox Creek, trees come crashing down
Dead trees crashing down across the Cox Creek Path in Albany and taking out sections of chain-link fencing — that’s getting to be a routine or at least recurring thing.
Tags: bicycling, chain-link fencing, Cox Creek path, Talking Water Gardens, tree falls