There’s some doubt whether the long-proposed Albany-Corvallis bike path will ever be built, but Benton County is pedaling on with the idea, so far at least. The next step is a public meeting to hear a report from consultants on phase 1 of their work and “discuss alternative routes.”
Tags: Albany-Corvallis path, Barney and Worth, Benton County Commissioners
Albany-Corvallis path is still a long way off
Planned and talked about for more than 20 years, the proposed Albany-Corvallis bikeway is still in the works, but don’t expect its completion any time soon or, depending on your age, before you die.
Tags: Albany council, Albany-Corvallis path, Benton County, bicycling, Gary Stockhoff, Hickory Street, Highway 20, ODOT, Rainwater Lane