It’s a shame what has happened to one of Albany’s canals, the one that runs down Thurston Street from Seventh Avenue to the Willamette River.
Tags: Albany canals, canals, Santiam Canal, small canals, Thurston Street Canal, waterways
It’s a shame what has happened to one of Albany’s canals, the one that runs down Thurston Street from Seventh Avenue to the Willamette River.
Nobody seems to love what’s left of Albany’s Thurston Street Canal. Decades ago it was turned into a narrow ditch. The water flow is very sluggish. Now somebody was kind enough to cut the grass on the banks. But look where the cuttings ended up: In the ditch, making an already stagnant waterway even more so.
Left in the dust: old Thurston Canal
Hardly any water flows in the little ditch known as the Thurston Street Canal or “Thurston Creek” in the best of times. On Sunday I was surprised to see that one section had gone completely dry.
Tags: Albany canals, CARA, Thurston Creek, Thurston ditch, Thurston Street Canal