A perspective from Oregon’s mid-Willamette Valley

A turnaround in angled back-in parking

Written July 5th, 2018 by Hasso Hering

At 5:03 p.m. Thursday, 12 vehicles are backed in on Second Avenue outside the Albany Post Office.

Well, what do you know. After more than a year, the left-side, back-in, angled parking on Second Avenue in Albany may no longer be an issue

For the last two or three weeks, every time I’ve gone by there or stopped at the post office, all the vehicles were tucked into their parking slots the way the city wants them to be, back end to the curb. I didn’t see a single one that defied the system by parking nose first.

Thursday afternoon, the same thing. Almost all the spaces were taken — all of downtown was solid with parked cars because it was the first night of River Rhythms — and all 12 vehicles in the angled spaces on Second had been backed in just the way the sign at the entrance to the block demands.

I’m sure there are drivers who still don’t like this backward parking layout, which was novel in town when it was introduced early in 2017. Some drivers have a hard time getting used to it, and for some it’s a physical hardship because they can’t easily look backward over their left shoulder. These folks avoid those spaces.

Whetever the reason, I haven’t seen anybody parked there nose-in for quiet a while. (hh)

17 responses to “A turnaround in angled back-in parking”

  1. Mark Lamberty says:

    They should reverse the words on the parking signs if the expect you to backup and read the signs at the same time.
    Dumbest parking I’ve ever seen across this country.

  2. J. Jacobson says:

    What were once vices are now habits.

  3. Sandi Foster says:

    I think you already addressed this issue. At least that is the notification I get sent every time I try to leave a comment…

  4. Ray Kopczynski says:

    Some of that “issue” was still apparent at River Rhythms yesterday. As you came around the corner from 1st to Calapooia ion your bike, there were 4 cars right in a row – right in the middle of the parking area – nosed in. That must have been fun for them to try and back out & U-turn into oncoming traffic and get going the correct way after the concert-fireworks were over. Interestingly, I watched a huge Hummer back in very easily, 2-slots up from them, while I was at the corner – driven by a nice young woman with 2 kids…

    • Gordon L. Shadle says:

      It probably never registered with Ray that his comments were sexist. A “young woman” with kids driving a “huge” Hummer…..as if women aren’t as capable as men of driving and backing up big vehicles.

      His attitude fosters the stereotype of a predetermined social role based on sex.


  5. Leroy says:

    During business hours, after 5 things change. I have seen a full size pickup drive up the wrong way and nose in and to go accross the street to do business eat or drink whatever. And others just dive in to mail a letter without reverse navigating. Im not saying this to get anyone in trouble just sharing my observations.

  6. Brad says:

    It’s still a daily thing, seeing cars parked the wrong way. You just caught it at a good time.

  7. Susan says:

    I’m used to it now … never found it to be an issue, but I’m not a complainer either. Most newer vehicles have back up cameras, which makes it real easy. For those that find it difficult or physically hard, there is still the parking lot where they can park straight in … two options, why complain!

  8. Bill Maddy says:

    Visibility is so much better when leaving a backin space. If people have a hard time seeing backing into the space, then they will have the same or worse problem while backing out of a head in space.

  9. Terry says:

    Again this idiotic idea is just the city’s way of needling the post office that they would very much like to move. That way thier carousel would have the parking it should have never been built without.
    Vote them all out!

    • Hasso Hering says:

      This no longer has anything to do with any post office move. That idea is dead. (hh)

      • Terry says:

        C’mon Hasso!
        If the city doesn’t get its way, it’s never dead.
        This is the most screwed up idea that could think of that was legal.
        With all due respects.
        I think you gave them too much credit!


HH Today: A perspective from Oregon’s mid-Willamette Valley
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