A perspective from Oregon’s mid-Willamette Valley

Written in chalk, a cautionary note

Written July 19th, 2023 by Hasso Hering

On Tuesday evening, this chalked warning was visible at Eads Park, Albany.

Somebody had told me about a warning written in chalk on the walk at Albany’s Eads Park. On a bike ride Tuesday evening I saw that it was still there.

The park is in the northeast corner of Albany’s East End, where Linn Avenue and Alco Street meet. I got off the bike and looked around a little, but I didn’t see any needles.

I don’t know whether someone had actually seen syringes lying around, presumably discarded by drug users at this little park. Or whether the message had some other point.

Either way it’s probably a good idea — not just here but anywhere — to check around before letting little ones loose on the playground, and to caution them not to pick up anything they find on the ground.

Eads Park is a point on one of my regular bike routes through town. My impression over the years has been that the Albany parks maintenance crew, along with volunteers from the neighborhood, keeps the place remarkably clean and in good shape, despite people occasionally leaving piles of trash.

Now and then I’ve seen children playing on the Eads Park equipment, seemingly enjoying themselves. Let’s try to make sure nothing — discarded needles or anything else — spoils their fun. (hh)

8 responses to “Written in chalk, a cautionary note”

  1. Anony Mouse says:

    Clearly a progressive solution is needed. The city council should:

    1. Provide taxpayer funded sharps to enable junkies to shoot up.

    2. Install safe disposal kiosks and deploy trained city employees with PERS retirement plans to maintain and empty the kiosks daily.

    3. Blame profit making private pharma’s for fueling the opioid epidemic.

    4. Implement a free, taxpayer funded, needle exchange program so junkies don’t poison themselves with their dirty needles.

    5. Provide free, taxpayer funded, AIDS medications to junkies who share dirty needles.

    6. Hire and deploy RN’s who help junkies “safely” shoot up at taxpayer funded clinics. It’s for the public good.

    7. Sponsor protests that shout…the war on drugs is ineffective, unfair, and immoral.

    8. Provide public land (Marvin’s Garden…I love the name) so homeless junkies can buy drugs, live in tents, and shoot up in private.

    9. Defund the police so they can’t arrest and detain drug pushers and users.

    Yeah…..that’s the ticket. It’s for the kids…right?

    • Bob Woods says:

      Not funny. Indeed, it’s the height of callousness and hatred.

    • Hartman says:

      An inspirational message if ever there was one!

    • Lisa Hanslovan says:

      Do you ever have anything encouraging to say?
      May offer a helpful suggestion like using the inmate work crews to go park to park picking up needles and trash

    • Rachel La Brasseur says:

      You seem so very unhappy here in Oregon, especially Albany… Why don’t you do something about it? Are you running for Mayor? City council? OR God forbid CARA?? You seem to have these delusions over what’s what and how things should be. Do you even know the history of PERS ? The borrowing of PERS funds and the outcome? Do you even ever go on CARAs web page and ask the burning questions you have to the link provided. You know the link that’s just for people like you with budget and taxing etc? Or do you just like to whine to Hasso and his readers under an anonymous name? Suck it up buttercup, if you’re not part of the solution you’re part of the problem. I’m not a big fan of CARA myself but even more not a fan of your constant whining. There’s a lot of places to live other than here. I personally love it. I appreciate each and every citizen that voted for change in 2020 with electing Alex Johnson II as mayor!

  2. Katherine says:

    I’m gonna have to visit Eads park and see what’s going on. It’s not one I’ve visited very often in my walks.Probably been a year. It’s small and tucked away.
    I’ll hang out for a while and let you know my take on it.
    Lovely evening tonight.

  3. chris j says:

    We check any park we go to anymore. Cigarette butts, needles, pipes, beer bottles, broken glass and food. Little kiddos will put things in their mouths. Drug related things are found more often then they used to be even when the parks look pretty clean. Thanks for letting people know about the warning. It is a good thing to keep each other safe and healthy while enjoying the parks.

  4. Vickie Russell says:

    That warning should be on a post that won’t wash away.


HH Today: A perspective from Oregon’s mid-Willamette Valley
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