A perspective from Oregon’s mid-Willamette Valley

When a tree gets too big and destructive

Written January 23rd, 2020 by Hasso Hering

Everybody loves the big old shade trees on Albany streets in the summer. Their downside is that their roots sometimes crack the pavement below, and then somebody decides they have to go.

Casually pedaling through the Hackleman Historic District on Thursday, I saw a crew from Century Tree Service (according to their trucks) at work in the 200 block of Southeast Jackson Street.

Albany requires city permits for cutting down trees above a certain size. The permit in this case was for removing “one large walnut tree that is badly impacted by power lines (and) is destroying sidewalk, curb and street.”

Having grown on the house side of the sidewalk, this was no street tree, strictly speaking. But note that the city or somebody has planted a young tree in the parking strip next door to where the walnut stood.

So with luck, one of these years summertime shade should be restored on the east side of this short block of Jackson Street. I’s just a matter of time. (hh)


3 responses to “When a tree gets too big and destructive”

  1. GinJ says:

    Wish something would be done about the tree on the west side of the 200 block of Oak NW. It’s ruined the sidewalk, curb and gutter. It possibly will come down in the next big wind storm …

  2. Gordon L. Shadle says:

    Be sure and hire a tree lawyer to sort through the byzantine city code regarding trees (AMC Chapter 7.98, Tree Regulations).

    It turns out that the tree on your private property tree is not really your tree.

    And get your wallet out if you want to do anything to “your” tree. Permits are not free and punishment for non-compliance with the code is severe.

    It’s enough to make you want to become a small “L”, don’t tread on me, libertarian.

    • centrist says:

      Might be too late for the little “l”.
      Figured you already sported a big un.
      The tree code sounds scary, but it’s not impossible to make a case for removal. Been involved with three. Patience and a sound statement from a professional arborist are VERY important.
      Yes, it costs money. I don’t know of any homeowners who are experienced enough at urban logging to take a tree down without collateral damage.


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