“Have you seen the Lake recently?” the email sender asked me on Friday. “Somehow the City investment is not working.”
This needs an explanation: How come Albany’s Waverly Lake is once again sporting unsightly rafts of algae while the Swan Lakes, just upstream on Cox Creek, appear to be completely clear?
The other day somebody wondered on social media why the new fountain and aerators in Albany’s Waverly Lake were not working. But if they were off, it was because the power was out.
Ah, there it is, the sparking new fountain in Albany’s Waverly Lake!
Thursday’s bike ride took me to Waverly Lake to see if by chance this was the day that work resumed on keeping the lake free of summertime algae. And sure enough, it was.
Clearing algae: Waverly Lake looks good
Back in Albany Friday after being away for a week, I read on Facebook that the algae harvesters were back on Waverly Lake. I passed the lake on a bike ride Saturday and, sure enough, almost all of the algae on the lake’s surface were gone.
Tags: algae, Aquatic Harvesting, bicycling, water, Waverly Lake