There are no problems with traffic in Albany, no current issues, no long-term concerns, nothing to keep track of, no topics worthy of an update.
Tags: Albany transportation, city advisory commissions, meeting agenda, traffic, traffic issues
There are no problems with traffic in Albany, no current issues, no long-term concerns, nothing to keep track of, no topics worthy of an update.
When the “Southern Pacific Railroad Overcrossing” in Albany was built in 1939, the state highway department provided it with proper ramps to get on and off. Many years later, ODOT made one of the ramps off limits. It’s still closed, and the question is why.
On bike rides around Albany I usually avoid Queen Avenue because of the rail crossing south of the Albany yard. On Thursday afternoon I did go that way and witnessed motorists practicing amazing patience while the crossing was blocked for what seemed like a very long time.
There was a reason I parked at Waverly Park and started walking around, craning my neck and pointing my phone at the new signal installations on Pacific Boulevard, at Albany Avenue on one side and Airport Road on the other.
Albany’ top site for crashes: Here it is
On Saturday I leaned the bike against the stop-sign post at the northwest corner of Geary Street and Salem Avenue in Albany. Why would I do that?
Tags: Albany Police Department, annual crime report, crash sites, Geary Street, intersections, Salem Avenue, traffic