For one reason or another, Albany’s red-light cameras were on my mind the other day, and it cost me eleven bucks that I didn’t need to spend.
If you ride your bike south on the Periwinkle Bikepath, you come to a dead end at Queen Avenue, where the path stops in the middle of the block. This may change soon.
Back on the Albany bicycling front (a tranquil retreat from the renewed but fruitless gun debate), the good old Periwinkle Bikepath comes to mind. First, because it’s being lengthened, thus becoming a bit more useful for transportation. And second, because to become truly useful it still needs an intersection fix.
The “Oregon Drive Less Challenge” is coming up Oct. 21-Nov. 1, which brings me – again –to Albany’s Periwinkle Bike Path and a problem that keeps it from being as useful as it could be. Built nearly 40 years ago, the path extends from Oak Street in central Albany to Grand Prairie Park in the southeast. […]
Red light cameras: What the report says
If you want to know something about Albany’s lone set of red light cameras, the city’s latest report to the Oregon legislature is worth a look.
Tags: Queen and Geary, red light cameras, Redflex, report to legislature