The Albany riverfront gets a little more interesting every time the water level rises, as it is doing now because of recent rains.
Tags: Albany parks, flooding, high water, Monteith Riverpark, Willamette River
The Albany riverfront gets a little more interesting every time the water level rises, as it is doing now because of recent rains.
Albany’s newly reconstructed Monteith Riverpark has been outfitted with one additional feature: A handrail in the middle of the somewhat unusual, long series of steps down toward the stage.
Quite a bit of damage has been done at Albany’s Monteith Riverpark since it was reopened in July after more than a year of reconstruction. The city has deployed its camera trailer at the park to try to prevent any more.
Tuesday’s bike ride along my riverfront beat took me through Monteith Park, where I could not help but notice that tree cutters were at work once again.
The view from the new platform at Monteith Riverpark is nice, someone observed in an email. But what about that ugly piling sticking up in the middle? Will it be removed?
On Saturday I was glad to see that the little boardwalk at the bottom of Albany’s new Monteith Riverpark had been opened so people could use it on their way down toward the river.
Monteith boardwalk unharmed by flooding
Being under water for a few days toward the end of December apparently did not damage the short “boardwalk” at the bottom of Albany’s Monteith Riverpark.
Tags: Albany parks, high water, Monteith Riverpark, Willamette River