Oregon’s program of collecting a mileage fee instead of the gas tax is catching on more slowly than I had thought. But one of my concerns — that it might be vulnerable to computer hackers — appears to be unfounded.
Since 2001, the Oregon Road User Fee Task Force has worked on finding a way to collect money from owners of four-wheeled vehicles that don’t burn fuel, or don’t burn much. In 2011 the group proposed legislation, and it was rejected. Now, in 2013, it is trying again with a somewhat different approach. The bill […]
Road fee: Time to pull the plug
Whatever happened to Oregon’s fledgling program of charging motorists a road user fee based on how far they drive? The 2017 legislature seems to have pretty much ignored the effort in favor of higher fuel taxes and registration fees.
Tags: mileage fee, OReGO program, road user charge