Given the cost of highway construction, you’d think Oregon would look for other ways of expanding the capacity of highways. On the freeways, one easy way to do that would be to equalize the legal speed of cars and pickups and commercial trucks.
Given the cost of highway construction, you’d think Oregon would look for other ways of expanding the capacity of highways. On the freeways, one easy way to do that would be to equalize the legal speed of cars and pickups and commercial trucks.
Almost every day, the Oregon State Police reports on vehicle crashes in which someone was killed or seriously injured. There is a forward-looking point to these reports. They should remind us all that in traffic, being insufficiently aware of potential danger can have terrible consequences. On Tuesday (Sept. 10), for example, a 30-year-old woman from Arizona […]
What’s happening with the Columbia River Crossing, the proposed new interstate bridge in Portland, looks like a symptom of what’s wrong with America. We just can’t get things done any more, especially big things. The twin I-5 bridges in Portland have to be replaced or fixed. So for more than 10 years, planning has taken […]
Ever wonder what happens to a store property near a freeway off-ramp after the off-ramp is closed? A few days ago my bicycle took me to the end of Hoefer Road, which I’m mispronouncing in this video. I’m told the locals say “Hayfer,” though I can’t see how this is justified by the spelling. In any case, […]
For two or three years now, the Oregon transportation department has been preparing for an environmental assessment of plans to widen Interstate 5 from Highway 20 in Albany to the Jefferson exit. The process is an example of how the agency, following its own and federal regulations on big projects, wastes both time and money. […]
On I-5: If it’s Friday, look out
On Interstate 5, beware of Friday afternoons. That seems to be the most dangerous time to drive on western Oregon’s main north-south highway.
Tags: crash statistics, Interstate 5, Oregon State Police, Pacific Highway 1