A perspective from Oregon’s mid-Willamette Valley

It’s back! Postal convenience!

Written July 7th, 2017 by Hasso Hering

This is not the kind of breaking news that in the old days might have stopped the press, but from the standpoint of convenience it’s a big deal: The drive-up drop box outside the Albany Post Office on First Avenue has been restored.

Not only that, but the Postal Service came up with a brand-new box to replace the one that was there until it was taken out last winter because the sidewalk was being rebuilt as part of the downtown streetscape project. The old one had been in place for many years and showed it.

A few weeks ago, in May, when I asked her about it, newly installed Postmaster Pamela Moody told me she would have to review the situation before deciding whether to replace the box. Evidently the review took place and concluded there would be no problem with putting a new box in the same spot as before.

For Albany area residents who still mail letters — and evidently there are a few of those, including me — having that drive-up service restored is a welcome development. Maybe it’s not as momentous a development as the Albany Carousel across the street (now set to open Aug.15, according to a report by Jennifer Moody in Friday’s D-H). But more practical for sure. (hh)

And in case you want to know when your mail will be picked up …

3 responses to “It’s back! Postal convenience!”

  1. hj.anony1 says:

    A dash of excellent news on this dark Russian/Republican day.

    Thanks HH!

  2. John Hartman says:

    In the final and most telling paragraph of his screed about the welcomed return of the drive-up mailbox, Hering writes: “Maybe it’s not as momentous a development as the Albany Carousel across the street. But more practical for sure.”

    Talk about foreshadowing. Hering’s simple sentence points to what is certain to be the next controversy that will threaten to shatter the uneasy peace on Albany City Council – namely the inevitable conflict certain to rear its ugly head once the CARA-SELL opens.

    The USPS is secretly considering reinforcing the wall nearest the newly re-installed mail box to protect against future road rage incidents they feel are inevitable once the CARA-Sell opens for business and conflicts between Postal Patrons and carousel aficionados begin to multiply, perhaps exponentially.

    One hopes Hering’s comments are wrong. More likely, his analysis is close to correct. The future of downtown Albany is rife with potential danger. We should thank Mr. Hering for his heads-up.

  3. centrist says:

    Given the parking rules in the area, a joker might wonder if a driver has to approach it in reverse………………


HH Today: A perspective from Oregon’s mid-Willamette Valley
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