Mt. McLoughlin rises above the Rogue Valley in southern Oregon on Earth Day 2024.
Sometimes a clear picture prompts you to think things through. Especially the picture of a dormant but still majestic volcano, like Mt. McLoughlin in southern Oregon.
Actually, that is baloney. I kind of like the photo, which I took on a nice springtime bike ride last month. But it has nothing to do with this little commentary. Other than to illustrate the online post.
Every few months, it seems, when I run out of other things to photograph or write about, I wonder about the comments that some of you readers send in.
Many of these comments are directed not at the story above them but against other people who have sent in comments. And most of these are insulting, even nasty, often ill-informed, and otherwise making no worthwhile point.
I have to approve comments before they appear here. So once again I’m asking myself: Why approve this stuff?
It’s one thing to confront someone with whom you disagree. But it’s another to badmouth their motives or intentions, or their character, especially while hiding behind a phony name.
In the past I’ve resolved to try to keep those comments off this site, only to backslide within days in the interest of a lively debate. But what’s the point of an online debate that is full of petty snippiness, unsupported allegations or mistaken suppositions, and peppered with personal smears?
Hey people, for that kind of stuff you can go to Facebook. You don’t need me.
So knock it off. You can say whatever you want, obviously, but not here. Not any more.
Here, I welcome comments on the stories I report or the editorial commentaries I put out there. If you stick to that, let’s hear from you. If not, keep it to yourself. (hh)

I got off the bike to take the photo of the mountain that nearly 60 years ago we called Mt. Pitt.
Yes, Sir!! Thanks for your yearly “marching-orders” post. You have typed snippy (well-veiled) remarks directed at people on your blog, too. But, no mention of that in your reprimand and orders.
As Hasso said- “It’s one thing to confront someone with whom you disagree. But it’s another to badmouth their motives or intentions, or their character, especially while hiding behind a phony name.”
Pot kettle black.
Thank you!
Thanks, Hasso. I for one, get pretty tired of the same things you mention.
Let’s hope we all improve our commentary.
Well said and directly to the point.
Thank you for that comment.
J. L. Johnson
Thanks for the reminder.
And for the caption about Mt. Pitt, aka Mt. John Quincy Adams, Mt. Clear View, Snowy Butte, and Mt. Madison, also appearing in maps as Mount Pitt, Mount Simpson, and Mount Jackson. Or for the ployglots- “Mal-sr” or “Alwilamchaldis”, “Makayax”; “Walum” and “Kesh yainatat”, meaning the home of the “dwarf old woman” that controlled the west wind. McLoughlin was called “Melaiksi” by the Modoc people.(Wikipedia)
Which, inevitably, begged the question, who the heck was John McLoughlin? Not growing up here, I did not know and it didn’t come up when I played “Oregon Trail” on CD with my kids. What a life. What a brutal syndicate HBC was.
And, as Hudson’s Bay Company factor, his general store in Oregon City, would have been not only the end of the Oregon Trail, but quite arguably, its first factory.
Thank you
Thanks for your reminder of John McLoughlin. Back in the dark ages we learned of Oregon History; but, alas there are things that have replaced our past so we no longer provide a picture of the past to our young people.
I think the volcano is a perfect metaphor for the potholes in Albany’s streets. Obviously the potholes are the cause of traffic issues. The undesirable additional housing that will bring ruin and devastation to all of our homes and property values, will continue to add traffic/pothole issues which are likely to cause the downfall of civilization as we know it. All of these things are obviously the fault of the city council that does not have the guts to just flout State rules and regulations to deny development. Much like our Linn County Commision has the guts to outlaw chicken farms. Except when it also affects locally owned factory farms that we like. Or except when it goes afoul of a property owner’s rights to do what they want with the property they own. Or something like that. Unless what they want to do makes me unhappy, in which case it must obviously be illegal. You are free to do whatever you want with your property and make a profit since that is the American way, unless I don’t like it. I know that sarcasm is lost on your regular trolls, as some of your recent blog posts show. Allow the irrational responses to an irrational comment to begin now…
Thank you Hasso for your sentiments and the beautiful picture. We have some amazing scenery in our state. This week my husband and I made a day trip to Suttle Lake, Clear Lake and Sahalie Falls on the McKenzie River. The river was roaring with water. Many people never get to see a sight like that. We should remember to enjoy the beauty around us.
It’s good to be nice to each other and not get involved with personal attacks, rather talking about issues in a rational way. Thanks!
I really appreciate your keeping an eye out for what is happening within our community, and keeping us informed of it all.
I read the comments as a bit of humor, but it’s becoming snippy, and combative as it goes…as my Mama always told me “If you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say it”
I’m reading your posts to learn what is happening here and there in our city… and it’s informative!
Carry on our bike riding journalist… carry on!
Tried to copy a picture of the trailer of garbage in the local field but not smart enough accomplish the task. It is just like homeless camping in your front lawn to us.
Unfortunately the “squeaky wheel” is the one that gets the grease. All through history our “civilized” society has kept quiet while people are being treated unjustly. I have viewed years of city meetings. I realize that part of a competitive society is aggressively pursuing our goals but a what expense. Is more cash than I will ever need or use worth ruining peoples lives and health? That does “all lives matter” really mean to us? Does it only apply to fetuses? Once you are born you are fair game to people who have the right under the law to take away whatever life you have made for yourself, business, home and quality of life? Sometimes calling out the outrageous is all we can do to bring it light. I would rather be considered rude than uncompassionate to the unnecessary suffering that many of the vulnerable people (low income, elderly and disabled) in our society bear. The imbalanced defense of the people who are well able to defend themselves monetarily and otherwise is concerning to me more than the language used. Politely defending legal policies that can be misused and harmful is more offensive.