Albany General Hospital lies in the 1000 block between Sixth and Seventh avenues. Seventh is a fine street with good pavement, so how come there are big craters in Sixth?
Returning from Browser’s Books via Pine Street toward Hackleman Park, the bike and I for years tried to avoid the worst potholes. Lately that has not been necessary, because a section of new pavement is in place.
It must be especially difficult to do street construction and underground utility work during our rainy winters while also keeping traffic moving.
There’s important news happening all over this country and the world, but not on this site. Here, allow me to dwell once again on what had become my favorite Albany pothole.
A pothole, a hubcap and proposed taxes
A hubcap lying in the middle of Walnut Street, not far from a rain-filled pothole, was a reminder that Albany faces decisions about possible ways to raise more money to repair streets.
Tags: damage to cars, fuel tax, gas tax, potholes, street fee, street repairs, wheel damage