The west end of Albany’s Water Avenue has been reopened to traffic. But until it is repaved next year, it might be best to avoid the street.
Tags: Pacific Power, underground utilities, Water Avenue, Waterfront Project
The west end of Albany’s Water Avenue has been reopened to traffic. But until it is repaved next year, it might be best to avoid the street.
Someone built a sturdy wooden structure in Albany’s Bryant Park, and I wondered about it when I first saw it on a bike ride through the park this week.
Tuesday’s bike ride along my riverfront beat took me through Monteith Park, where I could not help but notice that tree cutters were at work once again.
So what exactly is that so-called “plaza street” that leaves Albany customers of Pacific Power on the hook for the expense of putting power lines under ground?
Albany’s Waterfront Project calls for power lines on three blocks of Water Avenue to be placed underground, and all Pacific Power customers within the city will be charged for the expense.
Unwelcome advice: Turn the heat down
Pacific Power last week gave us a foretaste of what’s in store in coming years if Oregon continues its drive to make electricity more expensive and the power supply less reliable.
Tags: blackouts, cold weather, electric power, Pacific Power, renewable sources, solar and wind power