You’d think that bridging a little creek is easy. It’s not, I realized Monday night when I watched a crew of hard-hatted construction guys get ready to use really big equipment to lift a prefabricated crossing onto a truck, roll it across Owl Creek on Highway 34, and then lower it in place just north […]
Posted in: Commentary, News
Tags: Albany-Corvalliks bike route, Highway34 bikeway, ODOT, Owl Creek bridge
Tags: Albany-Corvalliks bike route, Highway34 bikeway, ODOT, Owl Creek bridge
Hwy. 34 bikeway: Still not quite open
You’d think the new Highway 34 bikeway between Riverside Drive and Wolcott Road would be finished and completely open by now. But no. I went down to take a look Monday afternoon, and the path west of Colorado Lake Drive was still closed while workers complete installation of a railing.
Tags: Highway 34 bikeway, ODOT, Owl Creek bridge