At the risk of seeming repetitive, here’s another look from Albany’s Periwinkle Park toward Periwinkle Elementary School, taken Sunday.
Tags: Albany parks, Albany schools, flooding, Periwinkle School, Perwinkle Bikepath
At the risk of seeming repetitive, here’s another look from Albany’s Periwinkle Park toward Periwinkle Elementary School, taken Sunday.
The huge puddle behind Perwinkle Elementary School in Albany was being drained today, the city parks department reports.
On social media I read about a great big puddle behind Albany’s Periwinkle Elementary School. On Wednesday the bike took me there so I could see it for myself.
After being closed to through traffic since June 20, all of Albany’s Queen Avenue between the west city limit and Pacific Boulevard is once again open for traffic — and on brand-new pavement.
It’s been a long tradition in Albany schools that the grounds be open to the public when classes are not in session, like during the summer. Lately at least two school yards were locked down tight instead, but now the district says they’ll be open again.
Saving Central School — with heat louvers
Classrooms in Albany’s 109-year-old Central School have problems with ventilation and heating. The school district has devised a solution, and the city’s Landmarks Commission approved it this week.
Tags: Albany schools, Central School, Historic buildings, HVAC, Landmarks Commission, saving history