The Albany riverfront gets a little more interesting every time the water level rises, as it is doing now because of recent rains.
Tags: Albany parks, flooding, high water, Monteith Riverpark, Willamette River
The Albany riverfront gets a little more interesting every time the water level rises, as it is doing now because of recent rains.
It would not be winter if Bryant Park in Albany didn’t get flooded for at least a few days, sometimes for weeks.
On the third of December I reported that the new fountain in Albany’s Waverly Lake might soon be lighted in color again. Tonight I finally thought to confirm that that’s the case.
The first of this month I pointed out a gap in Albany’s Dave Clark Riverfront Path, where the metal cap of an expansion joint had gone missing. Turns out that replacing the cap or cover is not cheap.
The day after Thanksgiving, it was beginning to get dark when I went to see whether Albany’s Waverly Lake fountain was lighted for the holiday season. Not yet, I found out, but soon it may be.
Riding my bike along the Albany riverfront, I’m on the Dave Clark Path several times a week. And lately I’ve noticed that west of the Wheelhouse Building a new gap in the path has opened up.
How high’s the water Momma? Hum that tune
“How high’s the water, Momma?” Johnny Cash asked in 1959. And the answer was: “Five feet high and rising.”
Tags: Albany parks, flooding, high water, National Weather Service, river forecast, Willamette River