On a bike ride Friday I paid a visit to Albany’s Bowman Park and walked out on the floating dock. Here, take a look:
That was all there was to it.
Who’s going to have to clear all that debris hung up on the dock? Well, it’s a city park, so the job probably falls on the maintenance crew of Albany Parks and Recreation. It’s as though they don’t have enough to do already.
Not much going on at Bowman Park on a Friday afternoon in the middle of March. But the goose on the bank didn’t look bored. (hh)
They have $9 of “city services fee” on my monthly water bill. They can find the time to clean up a few sticks. They can think about their fat PERS benefits while they do it for the rest of us regular people.
Gee, Roger, I see that there are quite a few job openings at the City of Albany, three in Public Works and one at Parks and Rec. Seems like they’re just waiting for some regular people to stop in and apply. Maybe you should check it out.
I love when people say this. It shows they are just Parroting an argument. PERS is not a cash cow. It’s not even comparable to my buddy’s plumber union retirement. The PERS you’re talking about was ended more than 20 years ago. What killed PERS was the state of Oregon. FORBES actually did an article on how it was the most mismanaged pension in the country and could have easily been sustainable.
Hi Hasso. I’m guessing you never tried to dock a boat. You would want to dock on the upstream side and let the current take you into the dock. On the downstream side, the current carries you away from the dock and makes landing much more difficult. You don’t have a lot of power on when you’re trying to dock, so you take advantage of the current to push you into the dock to tie up.
I was thinking of my canoe, which I don’t want to get pushed under the dock by the current.
The dock can be cleared when Parks is there during winter months for maintenance.
PERS benefits aren’t that fat these days in the current Tiers.
As a young child in the 60s, this area was the gravel pit. We kids had a rope attached to a large tree branch that swung out over the river. It had a small “dock” (looked more like a raft) that we all played on. It’s so sad to see this area become a drug-infested mess even though the park is nice enough.