The female mallard figured it out: That is just a bit of paper trash, not anything to eat.
What do you do if you find a couple of ducks hanging out behind your car in the parking lot of the Albany Fred Meyer? Ask them to hold still for a quick photo, of course.
It was raining Sunday afternoon. To this pair of mallards the parking lot may have looked like the kind of water they usually prefer. If so, they were wrong, but not by much.
With these two near the rear wheels, you hesitate to get in the car and back up. So, rain or no rain, you stand there a minute and get some photos to pass the time.
“Hey, you guys, you lost or what?” you think of asking them. “Where were you headed anyway?”
They were not interested in small talk. Instead, they thought it best to disappear in the weeds of the stormwater swale Fred Meyer built in the parking lot a few years ago.
So they hopped the curb and were gone. (hh)

It’s as though he said to her:Â “Come on, let’s get out of this guy’s way.”
Well you just can’t not love those little ones!
Great pictures, Hasso. Thanks. (This kind of comment is the extent of my commenting at the moment.)
We always enjoy your stories and photos especially ones like this.
I wonder if these are the two that wander around over by Red Robin
and Del Taco?