Roofers were at work on the former Cumberland Church building Wednesday, Dec. 14, 2022.
What’s been happening with the effort to turn the former Cumberland Church into a community center on old Albany’s east end? Plenty, it turns out.
The main part of the old structure dates from 1892. In October 2021 the building was moved to a vacant lot off Santiam Road at Pine Street.
This past June, the last time I checked on the place, the building had been placed on a new foundation.
The main thing now is the installation of a new roof.
This week I talked with Emma Eaton, president of the Cumberland Community Events Center. I also heard from the group’s vice president, Joel Orton.
Here’s Orton’s summary of where things stand and what’s coming up:
“The re-roofing is well underway and the bulk of the work should be complete by the end of this week. Orezona Building & Roofing is doing the work and they, along with Roofline Supply and IKO Roofing, have made in-kind donations to reduce the cost. In addition, we have received a $10,000 grant from the Daughters of the American Revolution to help fund the work.
“We currently have the ‘Raise The Steeple’ campaign underway to raise funds for the repair and reinstallation of the steeple. This work also includes structurally-reinforcing the platform at the base of the steeple so the bell (now in storage) can be reinstalled in the future. We hope to raise $50,000 by year-end to fund this work and have received a $25,000 matching donation from a generous donor to help us meet this goal.
“Once the steeple is in place we will focus on repairing the siding and painting the exterior. Miller Paint is providing an in-kind donation to help offset the cost of materials.
“The final element of the exterior stabilization will be the repair and restoration of the beautiful historic windows. We recently received a $50,000 grant from the Kinsman Foundation to help fund the exterior work and hope to have all of it done by next fall.”
You can refresh your memory about the background and long history of this volunteer venture by putting the word “Cumberland” into the search field right under the ads on the right of this site. Or you can visit the center’s website
You can also help in a tangible way. Orton says the group now is soliciting volunteers to assist with interior demolition and cleanup. That work, he says, will start after the first of the year. (hh)

The work on repairing the steeple appears to have begun.
Great update, Hasso! Thank you! Kudos to the wonderful volunteers and donors!
What about those windows?
Has the Albany Landmarks Commission forced the group to use 1892 original wood?
I love private money at work, but never, ever forget who is calling the shots on this old church building.
Did they have particle board & asphalt shingles back then. It’s probably just fine to “sanitize” an old church into an amusement venue, but don’t think about treating the Albany Christian School with a degree of common sense regarding their window replacement. Small acts contribute to turning us into a Godless society. Do you notice a trend?
My hope is to be sitting in this grand place for a concert or two! Merry Christmas!
I agree with Chezz. That is, I hope to be there, in the future, to listen to a program of some sort. And, I have learned to tune out bitter, cranky old men–such as Bill K., and especially Gordon S. (News flash, Bill; we are a secular government with separation of church and state.)
Ageism, like the other “isms” so common in our culture, is such an ugly prejudice.
I’m surprised Hasso allows ageist comments on his blog.
Where in the hell did I say anything against amusing yourself for money? My point is how the Landmarks Commission shows such overt bigotry against religion. They should discriminate against atheists & agnostics just the same.
You’ve got to be clearer if you don’t want to be misunderstood.
I guess we can all sleep a little easier, with the knowledge that Bill is sticking up for the creator of the universe here. He/she must be too tired to direct a few lightning bolts at City of Albany as punishment for these offenses, and so depends on Bill to take up the slack.
Children, children,
You people make me “tired” bickering over your nonsense. Keep up the good work, Joel!
You people make me “tired” bickering over your nonsense. Keep up the good work, Joel!
Thank you for sharing with the public what is going on around Albany.
In the spirit of the season, I will thank everyone for their interest in our
update. We look forward to more progress and events open to the public.
Merry Christmas and a Happy new Year to all, especially to Hasso and family.