A perspective from Oregon’s mid-Willamette Valley

In the summer heat, Albany mural grows

Written July 17th, 2023 by Hasso Hering

It is about 90 degrees at 1:10 p.m. on Sunday, and Eileen Hinckle is at work on her Albany mural.

Eileen Hinckle does not let weekends or hot weather keep her from making progress on her latest mural.

Commissioned by the Albany Area Chamber of Commerce, she is covering the west wall of  the chamber building at First and Washington with four images representing the … well, the Albany area.

The first image, on the left, represents the Albany metals industry. The other three will depict agriculture, the Willamette River with the city’s bridges, and finally, on the right-hand side, Albany Station with its clock tower.

The wall, across Washington Street from the Albany Carousel, is on one of my bike routes, and I pass by there almost every day. On Sunday the artist was working on the image of a worker doing something in a metals plant.

The chamber’s board of directors decided on the mural project in January. Hinckle started on it around Juy 1 and expects that completing the work will take her until the middle or end of September.

The chamber posted a miniature rendition of the finished mural on its front door. You can go look at it and spoil your fun of seeing the full picture for the first time when it is complete on the wall.

Or you can stop by that formerly blank wall every so often during the rest of this summer and appreciate how the different elements come together — until the day when Eileen declares it done. (hh)

Shielded from the blazing sun, the artist works on the image of a hard-hatted metals worker.


Eileen Hinckle takes break. Her paints and tools are in the back of her car.


14 responses to “In the summer heat, Albany mural grows”

  1. Sherri Wallman says:

    Just out of curiosity what is this costing ? Thank You.

    • Hasso Hering says:

      Well, this is between two private parties, the chamber and the artist. If they want to announce money details, they are free to do so. But nothing obligates them to do so.

  2. Maggie Schur says:

    This mural is already beautiful

  3. KinderParkNeighbor says:

    My local park has been covered in garbage for months. The city refuses to clean it. Why are they paying for a mural? So they can pretend as if this city isn’t falling apart. I don’t care how good this artwork turns out, I know just around the corner will be garbage and grafitti that goes ignored.

    Keep it classy, Albany.

  4. Bill Kapaun says:

    I enjoy seeing the updates. I would think that the lift rental fees encourage her to work while the sun shines.

  5. Mike says:

    Looks great. That will be a wonderful addition to downtown Albany.

  6. CHEZZ says:

    What a nice addition to Albany’s waterfront project area – it is ‘zippy’!

  7. John Allen says:

    How long before some lowlife “tags” the mural?

  8. Lundy says:

    Thanks for the update Hasso, and kudos to the artist. My daughter went to school with Eileen and it’s fun to learn of her work.

  9. Donald Bacher says:

    What a great addition to Albany. There are a number of blank walls around town that could follow suit. Let’s put our local talent to work and benefit from the additional color.


HH Today: A perspective from Oregon’s mid-Willamette Valley
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