This photo of the Republic Services dumpster on Northeast Geary Steet was taken on April 11, 2024.
For the last several weeks there has been a Republic Services dumpster sitting on the west side of Geary Street as you come out of Bowman Park. How much longer will it stay there?
The thing has been overflowing for a while. It’s blocking the bike lane, but that’s not a problem there, in the 300 block of Geary Street N.E., because traffic is very light.
I was just wondering how long Republic Services tolerates one of its containers to be out of service. These things are not cheap. One online vendor says dumpsters of that size cost about $1,700.
Today, on April 19, I finally got around to calling the number on the side of the container. It’s an Albany number, but it connected me to a helpful lady in Texas.
When I told her what I was calling about, she connected me to another helpful lady. This one was in Las Vegas where — as she told me when I asked — the weather was a nice 82 degrees, maybe heading for 90.
She said she would contact the company’s operations people in Albany, who would probably make a site visit to see what was up.
So maybe something will happen. Maybe not right away, though. This afternoon, about 4 on Friday, the thing was still there. (hh)

And here’s the dumpster on April 7. The view is looking north on Geary Street toward Bowman Park.
Get that trash outta here!!!!!
I ride my bike on just about a daily basis in North Albany and after garbage day people leave their garbage cans in the bike lane for days. It is a hazardous for the walkers, children coming and going to school and bike riders that have to go out into traffic .When your trash is picked up, pull your cans in
Bike riding can be so adventurous, wow you actually went outside of the line?
Said by someone with the actual courage to use someones first name.
Just call the cops. That’s what my “friendly neighbor” does when trash cans are left out by people who are injured and can’t bring them in promptly. I’m sure law enforcement has nothing better to do.
Go Tim, is your neighbor named Karen or Hasso? He just is out their trying to stir up controversy. Just like the US foreign policy. Go out and make war so a few can profit.
Welcome to the world of Republic Services that are not local and very hard to get to a person that’s really in Oregon.
They do not make mistakens on when your bill is due. They get that right 100 percent of the time.
I see a basketball hoop in the background
Somebody needs to do something about trash cans left out all over town!
One house on the 2400 block of NW Broadway leaves their’s out 3-5 days extra every week…our trash day is Monday, and they are often still out on Friday or Saturday. Getting real old…
Geez people…get a grip!
Pat Headrick – Folks shouldn’t be walking in the bike lanes.
Harvey – If it bothers you that much, why don’t you be a good neighbor and ask if they need assistance getting their cans in because maybe they have disabilities or work 12-hour shifts or are elderly or have small children? You can also continue to be a jerk and just drag their can into the middle of their driveway.
Hesso – Are sure it’s out of service as opposed to be rented? Yes, you can rent dumpsters; it’s not cheap, but it is cheaper than the time it takes in making a bunch of trips out to landfill if you’re doing a major cleanout.
Yes it would be loverly if every one put their cans out in the morning before they went to work or school or whatever and then pulled them back in when they got back home, but we don’t in Pleasantville…this isn’t Leave It to Beaver or Father Knows Best. I’ll be honest, my cans go out Wednesday night and a lot of the time don’t come back in until Saturday afternoon. Hubby is disabled and if he has a good day, he brings the cans in on Friday, but if he isn’t and with my almost 12-hours days because I commute, I’m beat when I pull into the driveway between 6pm and 8pm depending on traffic.
So maybe instead of being jerks, how about being good neighbors? Just because your neighbor is one, doesn’t mean that you have to be one too.
You manage to get it out on time. Maybe you could manage to get back in a reasonable time.
Karen, define reasonable?
If you go to the Republic service office on thirteenth they will help you.
Yes Pat–the local office folks told me their national contact people know nothing about what happens here and that I need to come their office to assure anything gets dose
Hasso, please go to the door of the folks with the basketball net in the back ground and have them remove it from the bike lane. Good boy
Have any of you driven by the shelter and Marvin’s garden lately? That area is very active all day long. No one has considered the businesses in that area with trash and people everywhere. You never know when people or trash will be in the street just around the curve under the overpass. This is exactly what I am talking about that people don’t care if it isn’t where they live or work. Who voted to allow that slum area to exist?