A perspective from Oregon’s mid-Willamette Valley

And then, there are the birds outside

Written November 24th, 2021 by Hasso Hering

This northern flicker came by on Nov. 9. Flickers and other woodpeckers are frequent diners outside my window.

What’s my excuse for running a photo of a bird? I don’t have one. But on the eve of Thanksgiving, I figured I’d chance it.

As someone who spent most of the first 20 years of my life in big cities, from Berlin to Los Angeles, I am particularly grateful now — more than half a century later —  to be living on the outskirts of a small one, where there’s enough space and trees and greenery of all kinds for wildlife to be part of the scene.

Watching deer make their daily treks through the yard and trimming the ivy is part of the attraction of sitting at my computer and looking out the window.

And then there are the birds that frequent the suet feeder close by and the seed feeders farther away. There’s no end of cheap entertainment to be had this way, if you’re not too particular and don’t mind repetition.

I’ve also discovered, latecomer to technology that I am, that I can keep open the page I’m writing this on while at the same time listening, via YouTube, to Eric Clapton’s tribute to J.J. Cale in the background. Now there’s a treat on a quiet Thanksgiving eve.

Speaking of technology: There is lots that is regrettable about the effect of the digital upheaval on our lives. It has, for instance, pretty much killed local newspapers as a force. But it has also enabled dinosaurs like me to keep their hand in by reporting, even if sometimes it’s about the very small things in life.

Like, on slow days before national holidays, birds outside one’s window. (hh)

15 responses to “And then, there are the birds outside”

  1. William Ayers says:

    That’s a beautiful photo.

  2. Ray Kopczynski says:

    We are forever grateful for your being such a “dinosaur!”

  3. Marilyn Smith says:

    Thanks for this, Hasso.

  4. James Engel says:

    Thanks for the comforting words H.H.. It’s a sad commentary on todays society that foul language can pollute our flora & fona & public dialogue .. I’ll plead guilty for at times I’ve been mean spirited in my remarks over the years.

  5. Scott Miller says:

    And you have great taste in music! Thanks for sharing Hasso. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving


    Love your columns!

  7. CHEZZ says:

    When you take a flower in your hand and really look at it, it is your world for the moment. I want to give that world to someone else…
    Georgia O’Keeffe

    And, Hasso — you do just that!

  8. thomas earl cordier says:

    Thanks HH for your reflections and in-focus pic

  9. Todd Thompson says:

    Thanks for the kind and gentle words Hasso. I am thankful for you.

  10. GregB says:

    Thanks Hasso. We enjoy great wildlife entertainment at our place in N Albany too.

  11. Jill Morgan says:

    “And it’s all small things…” think you are reporting on the important things in life, those things that many overlook…thank you! Happy Holidays to you, and yours…

  12. Patricia Eich says:

    Happy Thanksgiving Hasso. Thank you for all you contribute to our lives.

  13. Stephen E says:

    Reporting an HH with bike spotting, at 14th and Broadway, around 3:30pm Friday 11/26.
    Kudos for your local reportage and rep-ing us riders in the face of the petrol culture.

  14. Connie Nelson says:

    I want to add my thanks. Since I started reading your blog, I have been much more
    aware about what is going on in Albany. My husband and I have lived here for 25 years
    and love this town. I must admit it took some getting use to. I love our daily paper and
    am so thankful for getting it, but am fearful it is as you say that someday we will no longer
    see it on our doorstep in the morning. I remember your editorials years ago and loved
    reading them. Really missed you when you left.

  15. Marge Popp says:

    Thanks for the image Hasso, especially the mental one of you working on your computer, looking out the window and listening to Eric Clapton. Rock on!


HH Today: A perspective from Oregon’s mid-Willamette Valley
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