A perspective from Oregon’s mid-Willamette Valley

A rebellion? It’s about time …

Written October 26th, 2015 by Hasso Hering
These sheep have no more chance of rebelling against the time change than we.

These sheep resting near Albany have no more chance of rebelling against the time change than we.

We act like subjects, you and I, and as if to rub it in, on Sunday the system we live in forces us once again to adjust the time we go by. Standard time returns Nov. 1, and we’re expected to hop to it and fall in line. Time for a little rebellion, wouldn’t you think?

The trouble with rebellion is that it takes more than a few of us to make it work. You and I can refuse to turn the clocks back and go on as though nothing had happened. We’d show up an hour early for everything that’s set to begin at a certain hour. We’d turn on the nightly network news on Channel 9 and end up looking at Judge Judy. And waiting an hour for a meeting to start just prolongs the pain of having to sit through it.

The fact that the country still has daylight savings time during the summer, or only during the summer, tells you something about apathy and the sorry state of democracy. In a society where people really had an interest in and collective influence over policies, this exercise of changing the clocks twice a year would have been abandoned long ago, probably right about the time automatic transmissions came in for cars.

In modern life, daylight savings time saves nothing, no electricity, no fuel and certainly no time. But it’s kind of nice to have those long evenings of daylight. So a sensible country would have long ago decided to set the clocks ahead an hour and keep them there. Children would have to make their way to school in the dark from fall to spring. So what? Nothing wrong with letting the little ones know that hardship is a part of life.

But no, we go through this rigmarole twice a year, throwing off the rhythm of life for millions, harming productivity and causing a form of jet lag and probably even a few extra accidents and deaths. Why do we put up with it? Because we’re too sheep-like to refuse to go along. (hh)

12 responses to “A rebellion? It’s about time …”

  1. Debbie Swenson says:

    I agree. I hate changing the clocks. I hate changing my sleeping hours. The facts tell us that it is upsetting to our circadian rhythms. More people have heart attacks and auto accidents from lack of sleep following a time change. There is no logic involved in doing this. Our republic is showing signs of insanity by repeatedly doing the same thing, expecting a change, and someone else to change it for us. Who will lead this rebellion, you, Hasso?

  2. Gordon L. Shadle says:

    Are you suggesting we violate the Uniform Time Act of 1966 and the Energy Policy Act of 2005? That is very un-sheepish of you.

    To paraphrase Edward R. Murrow, sheep like behavior is exactly what our government of wolves requires.

    According to our masters, changing the time twice a year saves energy. You doubt the shepherd’s judgment?

    • Bob Woods says:

      Your masters are coming for you Gordon. Your paranoia was actually correct.

      They will be at your house. They will ring your doorbell.

      When you answer they will stare you down with evil intent, knowing that you have what they want. And what they want is your obedience.

      Then and only then, they will say: “Trick or Treat.”

      Will you pay their insatiable demands? Will you allow them to steal your money right out of your wallet? Will you be one of the sheep that succumbs merely because society says everyone should do so?

      Or will you sit in you house, with the lights off, silent; unmoving, hoping these masked invaders spare your hoard of riches: Tootsie Pop’s, Kit-Kat bars, peppermints, and…. M&M’s?

      Yes Gordon, be afraid. Be very afraid…

  3. Richard Vannice says:

    You’re right. The lack of any response to your missive indicates the “who cares” attitude so prevalent in today’s society. I thought there was some talk before the last State Legislative session started about at least considering returning to year round standard time.
    Guess it was like most legislative talk, just hot air.

  4. D Simpson says:


  5. Bob Woods says:

    I hate it too. But even sheep decide how much effort to put into grazing.

    Most folks do as little as needed to satisfy annoyances, preferring to spend effort on major concerns first.

    However, if you decide to man the barricades I might be willing to join. Might even bring a growler of beer too!

  6. Mike Martin says:

    I say we go the way of North Korea and move 1/2 Hour. That’ll show ‘um.

  7. Greg Storms says:


    If they can do it why can’t we?

  8. Bob Woods says:

    Folks, here’s what you do,

    Write a letter to your Senators, your Representative, the Governor, and your Oregon Senators and Representatives. Really. That’s what you do in a democracy.

    Tell them you want to get rid of Daylight Savings Time.

    Encourage your friends, aunts, uncles, children and cousins to do it to. Post on social media. Be part of the change.

    That’s all it takes. If enough people share your beliefs, it will change.

    Just don’t sit there and bitch about it without YOU doing YOUR part. Don’t forget your High School civics.

    It’s YOUR responsibility.

    • Ray Kopczynski says:

      What you say is 100% correct Bob, but it is so much more fun to whine & complain — which is also taught in HS civics. Besides – It is cheap entertainment to do so…

  9. Matilda Novak says:

    I’m among the many who Loathe time change, and recognize with HH that this is utterly outmoded and useless in terms of affecting any good for modern society.
    Mr. Woods is correct. The only way to have any hope of doing away with this is to write our legislators and charge them with upholding the will of the people.
    i know of absolutely no one who is in favor of “Daylight Savings” — but nothing will change unless and until we make our voices heard.


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