A perspective from Oregon’s mid-Willamette Valley

The old Oregon Electric depot: Keeping track

Written May 29th, 2022 by Hasso Hering

The facade of the former Oregon Electric Railway depot at 133 Fifth Ave. S.W. the way it looked last July.

Where Albany downtown building revival projects are concerned, everything seems to take longer than expected. That includes the much-anticipated sale and restoration of the historic Oregon Electric Railway depot on Fifth Avenue.

It was in January that Janel and Matt Bennett, owners of the renowned Sybaris Bistro, announced they were under contract to buy the former depot, which in recent years housed a pizza restaurant and Oregon Lottery video poker room.

They plan to restore the building, constructed in 1912, and move their business there when the restoration is complete. The restaurant’s current space, at First Avenue and Washington Street, is rented.

In January the Bennetts expected the former depot’s sale to close in a couple of months. Now, Matt told me over the weekend, the closing is set for Tuesday.

The project got a boost last week when the Albany Downtown Association announced it had been awarded a $200,000 state grant from Oregon Heritage, a division of the Oregon Parks and Recreation Department. The “Main Street Revitalization Grant” is intended to help pay for restoration of the historic depot.

The couple also have been working with CARA, the downtown urban renewal program. The city’s staff, Matt said, “have been really helpful.”

The CARA advisory board is scheduled to meet June 15. A request for financial aid to the OER building restoration is expected to be on the agenda.

While things appear to be coming together, there are still some uncertainties about this. One is whether CARA will agree to participate.  Another is whether the skyrocketing costs of construction could derail the project.

Matt sounds confident, though. Asked when Sybaris might open in the newly restored OER depot, he thinks this goal might be accomplished by the middle of 2023. (hh)

14 responses to “The old Oregon Electric depot: Keeping track”

  1. Bill Kapaun says:

    So, they get $200k from the state and also want CARA funds? Are they really that poor? Or is it greed? Meanwhile, I pay over $80/ mo. for 1 unit of water/sewer. Thanks Ray K!

    • Bob Woods says:

      Well gee Bill, 1 unit is what, 768 gallons?
      A port-a-potty runs about about $130 a month from Google.
      Water at the grocery store is about $1 a gallon jug.

      For just $768 + $130 = $898 a month you can do it yourself, AND you have the pleasure of hauling all that water and walking out to your driveway to pee and poop!

      What a deal!

      • Bob Wods says:

        Ooops! I goofed! 100 cu ft of water is only 748 gallons. That save you $20. Only $878 a month.

        Sorry for the mistake.

        • Al Nyman says:

          I live in an all electric house in the country and my total bill for everything including water and a septic tank is about $200 per month. Thank God I don’t live in a city run by bureaucrats like Woods. I think at one time Albany had the highest water rates in Oregon but don’t know if that is still true.

          • Bob Woods says:

            Thank God you live out in the country where regular folks don’t have to put up with your lies and incessant whining.

    • Ray Kopczynski says:

      You’re welcome Bill. Happy to oblige!

      • Bill Kapaun says:

        It’s your legacy, along with crumbling streets. Thanks for showing your true feelings toward the citizens. I’m still waiting for you to show where the senior/low income discount is for Republic Services like you stated.

        • Ray Kopczynski says:

          I’m very proud of Albany and my “legacy.” A senior/low income discount is something the city would have to negotiate with them…

          • MarK says:

            I wrongfully assumed that you were elected to support the CITIZENS of the city. I guess I’m wrong. You only support the COUNCIL and the TRANSIENTS.

  2. Bob Woods says:

    Damn the Conservative Torpedo’s: Full speed ahead!

    Another big plus for the City to move into the future while preserving the beauty of the past.

  3. CHEZZ says:

    I am so glad to see the depot restored – an eyesore will become a jewel on Lyon.
    And the huge plus is Matt and Janel will indeed make it happen! Let’s get ‘on board’.

  4. thomas earl cordier says:

    public trough welcomes everybody –another feeder for history preservation again.

  5. centrist says:

    I’ve refrained from categorizing many of the commenters on this blog, until now.
    I see regressives who refuse compromise with anyone else. Much complaint that no one listens. The cause of their own problem.
    Going to pursue a more positive path.

    • fab4life says:

      Centrist, do you need an awesome running mate? I am one to consider.
      So lit by the badness of the mad righties. YOU know those ones with red maganet hats and such. Lets Kiss them off into the night.

      Let’s get the help from the blue with guns. Bright sticker backing them on my truck for once. So good. Let’s go Save the NATION from these magats!!!!

      Yeah Back the Blue! They are so infiltrated. OMG! What do we do? Centrist! I’m with you. Maybe meet and plan soon at the stage?


HH Today: A perspective from Oregon’s mid-Willamette Valley
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