A perspective from Oregon’s mid-Willamette Valley

Who observes Bryant Park centennial? Just me

Written May 14th, 2019 by Hasso Hering

[youtube video=”7U2SLMPl-zw” rel=”0″]

In a story that appeared here on Feb. 28, I suggested that on May 14, we take note of the 100th anniversary of the beginnings of Albany’s Bryant Park.

It was on this date 100 years ago, that Hubbard and Adda Bryant donated the land that became the park named after them. May 14, in any case, is the date on the deed that conveyed the acreage to the city of Albany in 1919.

I suggested in that story that if nothing else, on the day I would take an extra loop around the park on the bike. Turns out I didn’t do that, but I went around once and stopped under a tree to say what you can hear on the video above. (hh)

Nobody was on the play equipment Tuesday afternoon, maybe because of a light rain.

Posted in: Uncategorized

4 responses to “Who observes Bryant Park centennial? Just me”

  1. J. Jacobson says:

    “We cannot create observers by saying ‘observe’, but by giving them the power and the means for this observation and these means are procured through education of the senses.”

    Maria Montessori

  2. CHEZZ says:

    Park & Rec could create a physical happening at Bryant. Re-installing the little bridge so both Riverfront Park & Bryant would be great so both parks could be enjoined and enjoyed together again. That would be a great happening! It could be the Centennial Bridge . Maybe it is a type of bridge that can be removed during the winter months. Many concert goers enjoyed sitting on the Bryant side as well – great overflow!
    Just sayin…

  3. Loveapark says:

    So sad that history of our Park development has been destroyed from as far back as 1950. I submitted a black and white photo for the Linn County History Book of bulldozers grading Bryant Park and it is in the book, thank goodness. I feel sad for the descendants of park land family donations that may know very little of the stories assuming the city kept records. But those old scrapebooks, photos and computer records apparently have been destroyed by orders of the recent P&R Director. IF they are still there and what I heard is a rumor, then let’s get them all on public display. Maybe Kim Jackson when he becomes the new Albany Visitor Center employee will see some value in historical records and put anniversaries on a calendar. I agree with Hasso that a 100th year anniversary of our public lands or buildings deserve a little recognition and appreciation to those who have generously donated land, money, or buildings. Thanks for your post. The Albany Museum is trying hard to keep our history alive and much thanks there.


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