On this election day in 2024, everybody is going to be interested in how it went and won’t be looking here. So let me report on something slightly less significant.
Tags: Burkhart Street, Portland & Western, railroad, Willamette neighborhood
On this election day in 2024, everybody is going to be interested in how it went and won’t be looking here. So let me report on something slightly less significant.
When a section of Queen Avenue was reopened this week after being torn up for utility work and then repaved, somebody complained in a comment here that the railroad crossing was still as bumpy as always.
On one of my bike routes through old Albany’s east end, men were working Saturday at the Davidson Street grade crossing on the Water Avenue rail line.
On bike rides around Albany I usually avoid Queen Avenue because of the rail crossing south of the Albany yard. On Thursday afternoon I did go that way and witnessed motorists practicing amazing patience while the crossing was blocked for what seemed like a very long time.
If you’re in Albany, go down to the riverfront and take a look at the work going on at a brisk pace along the Water Avenue railroad track.
Time to watch a train pass Albany crossing
It has been a little while since the Union Pacific made an appearance on this site. Time to remedy that. Once again, on my usual bike ride Tuesday afternoon, I heard the sound of a locomotive’s horn. The sound was close and coming closer. I was on the east end of First Avenue when I […]
Tags: railroad, train, Union Pacific