If Millersburg goes ahead and tries to take over the electricity business within its borders and expel Pacific Power, condemnation and a court battle over the takeover price won’t be the only hurdles. Also there is likely to be a fight, possibly a long one, in federal court over the Northwest Power Act of 1980.
Posted in: Commentary
Tags: Bonneville Power Administratrion, Millersburg, Northwest Power Act, Pacific Power
Tags: Bonneville Power Administratrion, Millersburg, Northwest Power Act, Pacific Power
Pacific to Millersburg: It won’t work
Millersburg is contemplating taking over the electric power system within its boundaries in order to allow Wah Chang, the metals plant, to benefit from low-cost preference power sold by the Bonneville Power Administration. Pacific Power has now warned the city council that in the company’s opinion this won’t work.
Tags: Bonneville Power Administration, Millersburg, Northwest Power Act, Pacific Power, Wah Chang