The City of Albany today approved, with many conditions, the site plan of a proposed chemical plant on industrially zoned property on the east side of Ferry Street.
A century-old house in Albany’s Monteith Historic District may be turned into an outpatient treatment center for people with drug or alcohol problems.
The City of Albany’s Community Development Department has just given neighbors of a proposed chemical factory on Ferry Street notice that the site plan for the project is being considered.
The City of Albany’s planning division is reviewing a site plan for a new chemical manufacturing plant a Corvallis company intends to build at 2435 Ferry St. S.W.
Traffic should soon be able to get back on Albany’s Queen Avenue from Pacific Boulevard as a contractor winds up a $4 million reconstruction and repaving project.
Chemical plant on Ferry: Here’s an update
When last we heard of Valliscor, the City of Albany had just approved the Corvallis-based company’s plans for building a chemical manufacturing plant on the east side of Ferry Street.
Tags: chemical plant, City manager's report, Ferry Street, Valliscor