There’s one thing that can be said about Tuesday’s high temperature in Albany. It was not as high as it was on one very hot day in June two years ago.
If you go by the motto of the Oregon Global Warming Commission, “Keep Oregon Cool,” you might say the commission has already failed, at least this week.
Northwest Natural, the gas company, is telling customers in Albany and elsewhere that it will be able to supply us with life-saving energy even as the state government is determined to essentially end the use of fossil fuels by 2050. Good luck with that.
[youtube video=”z_KWtOWbLq8″] Under another winter storm warning and with snow coming down on Tuesday night, I’m thinking back to a hopeful report about climate change that OPB broadcast on Feb. 13.
Climate Friendly Areas: A skeptical view
Bowing to a state mandate to slow global warming, the City of Albany is plowing ahead with the designation of six so-called “climate friendly areas.” It’s hard to imagine a project that is so ambitious and unrealistic at the same time.
Tags: Albany planning, city council, climate change, Climate Friendly Areas, Climate Protection Program, high-rise apartments, housing density, Planning commission