A perspective from Oregon’s mid-Willamette Valley

Speed challenge on Elm Street: A bit of fun

Written May 5th, 2021 by Hasso Hering

When you’re on a bike and see one of these speed-display trailers, does that make you want to go as fast as you can to see what the display says?

Well, it’s juvenile. But still, take a look.

Blame the pandemic, if you will, along with all the other news that is mostly bad. We have to take our entertainment where we find it.

But if you want to go fast on a bike — not like me in that video — better use a road bike and try it while you’re young. (hh)

7 responses to “Speed challenge on Elm Street: A bit of fun”

  1. Richard Vannice says:

    Hasso – I was once told that, “The golden years are past. They have turned to brass and it’s a getting a green patina.” We of the “Mature Generation” have to realize that we are like the old gray mare!
    Keeping active as you do with your bike is the best way to longevity!!!!

    • HowlingCicada says:

      Not just longevity, also health and happiness. And probably reduced burden on the health-care system, meaning reduced government spending.

      Downside: Active people, like non-smokers and healthy eaters, are a bigger burden on Social Security. Maybe life-insurance companies should help with the cost because longevity directly increases their profit.

      The anti-bike-facility faction is shortsighted. You know who you are, including one of you who has complained incessantly, and others who are simply allergic to all “non-essential” govt. spending. The expense to increase bicycling safety and convenience, thereby increasing its attractiveness to kids and new riders, is microscopic compared to the vast fortune spent on building and maintaining motor-transport and parking facilities.

  2. Jacobin Hanschlatter says:

    “If you don’t have time to do it right, when will you have time to do it over?”


  3. George Pugh says:

    Thank you Hasso,that was a kick !
    Riding my single geared, balloon-tired bike
    down the pave road hill to Muddy Creek made me
    think I was flying. Walking it back from fishing, on the
    last stretch of gravel road. against the evening, coastal wind allowed me to only dream of going 20 mph.
    Don’t lose “The Kid.”

  4. hj.anony1 says:

    C’mon Speed Racer! Faster Faster!

    Elm St. soon needs a HH bikeway sign like the one on Bryant Way.
    Just noticed today. What fun!

  5. Patricia Eich says:

    I did see the 19. A few months ago someone I know tried to get a reading by running towards one of those. Didn’t work but a fun try. 19 mph is respectable anyway.

  6. Albany YIMBY says:

    You can’t ask people to drive 25 mph in streets that are wide enough to drive 45 mph.

    “Residential streets have highway-like dimensions because engineers thought wide, straight streets were safer. But in a neighborhood context, streets like that just encourage speeding and increase the risk of serious traffic injuries.

    Narrower streets lead to safer, more cautious driving behavior.”


    If we really want people in Albany to drive 25-35 mph I am 100% to support it, it doesn’t matter to me if it takes me 2 more minutes to reach the breakfast place where I eat my avocado toast but then we need strong traffic calming measures to narrow down streets, and not to blame motorists for psychologically adjusting their speed to the roads’ dimensions.


HH Today: A perspective from Oregon’s mid-Willamette Valley
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