A perspective from Oregon’s mid-Willamette Valley

Slow down so he doesn’t get hit

Written November 8th, 2020 by Hasso Hering

With deer season over, maybe this young fellow felt safe to wander through our back yard. Actually, the hunting season is not what deer in North Albany generally have to worry much about.

It’s traffic they should worry about instead. Some do. The little herd that browses the yards and gardens in this area has gotten pretty good at staying off the road when they hear someone in a car or truck come speeding through.

But others, not so much. It’s the fawns that haven’t learned. One jumped in front of me some months ago at the top of Scenic Drive just south of Valley View. The damage to the truck was minor. As for the hapless young animal, I stopped and looked for it. But it was nowhere to be found. Apparently it was able to run off — or at least to limp away.

There are traffic signs warning of deer on some of our roads out here. Take them seriously and slow down so that even if an animal jumps in front of you, you might not hit it all that hard.

Fellow drivers, take note: If the guy in front of you slows way down on a winding part of the road, it’s probably not to annoy you. Maybe he’s just trying to avoid another collision with a deer.

Some of the warning signs have been there for a long time, and our deer herds seem to be growing. They have taken up different routes from years ago. So the absence of warnings doesn’t mean that deer aren’t there.

As for the visitor above, I had not seen him before. No idea if he was just passing through of if we’ll see him again. I just hope he doesn’t get hit.  (hh)

3 responses to “Slow down so he doesn’t get hit”

  1. Bob Woods says:

    Hasso, you’re a good man. Maybe next year that buck will provide food for a family, but it seems to me that you understand that deer or human, we’re all in this together.

    I wish OPB would have reunion show for all those years you were on Friday nights. The discussions were top notch, even if you were wrong ;-).

    I always appreciated your commentary.

  2. J Stockslager says:

    I really appreciate your reminders about our local wildlife and traffic. It really does not take up much time to slow down a bit a watch for wildlife.

  3. HowlingCicada says:

    I live near NW Witham Hill Dr. in Corvallis. It has curves including a distractingly beautiful one with narrow shoulders and a steep drop-off on the downhill side, a blind hilltop with busy apartment entrances, and deer.

    About 15 years ago, the speed limit was increased from 25 to 30. The nature of the road changed overnight from an oddly quiet and peaceful artery to just another unpleasant highway with most cars going just a little too fast. It’s remarkable how much effect such a small change had, as if there was magic in the number 25, saying “Slow down, we really mean it.”

    Soon after the change, a large deer carcass was lying at the road edge. Speed limits matter.


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